Berkeley Town Council has received a ‘Notice of Uncontested Election’ and therefore there will not be an election on 2nd May for Berkeley Town Council.
All Councillors will take office on Tuesday 7th May. Each Councillor will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and be attested by the Clerk as the proper officer of the Council before or at the first meeting (13th May). All Councillors must complete a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest form.
Berkeley Town Council has three vacancies and is looking to fill these as soon as possible.
If you are interested in being co-opted onto the council please join us on Monday 13th May at our Annual Town Meeting in the Town Hall at 7pm where we will co-opt.
Please email the council ([email protected]) with a short resume and further details will be sent.
Closing date to apply Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 5pm.