Directory of Schemes and Support Initiatives
Welcome to the directory of schemes and support initiatives.
You will find below all businesses designed to provide some support and help.
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All schemes about health
The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme used by police forces and emergency services across the UK to support people living with dementia who might be at risk of becoming lost or reported as missing.
The scheme enables carers, family and friends to compile a detailed profile containing important information about the individual that should they go missing, can be quickly provided to the police to help in their search and rescue operations.
The risk of wandering is significant, and the consequences can be fatal.
944,000 people with dementia in the UK.
70% of people with dementia will go missing at least once.
40,000 people in the UK are reported missing for the first time every year.
The Herbert Protocol initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who had dementia and tragically died while he was missing on this way to his childhood home.
For further information, please visit their website
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If you are looking for accommodation or housing support
You may be able to get financial help from the government to buy a home.
Visit their dedicated page
Right to Buy allows most council tenants to buy their council home at a discount
Visit their website
Coming soon...